Wednesday, 23 March 2011

Genre: comedy

Adam Sandler

 - Pine wood Studios


 - Adam Sandler (Click)
 - Jason Biggs (American pie) 
 - Vince Vaughn (Couples retreat)


 - Paul Weitz (America Pie)
 - Stanley Kubrick (Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb)
 - Peter Docter, Bob Peterson (UP)

Functions of genre:
  • Reinforcement of our ideas and values
  • Creation of a set of audience expectations
  • Creation of characteristics by producers which audiences can recognise
  • A relationship between audiences and producers which minimises the risk of financial failure
  • Dynamism and flexibility - they are constantly transformed by new additions. 

Find your children's film, thriller opening and music videos on YouTube.
Watch them through and write notes on how you used, developed and/or challenged generic conventions of relevant genres during the creation of these projects.
Ensure that you make direct reference to the functions of genre.

In our music video, our genre was R&B. we used most generic conventions which were; Black and white, slow motion, fade transitions, making the colour sepia in some parts, having a lot of lighting (usually natural light), also attractive are used in a lot of R&B music videos, hence why we used attractive people. Furthermore dancing was used in our music video which can be seen featured in Beyonce's music videos for example 'Single ladies' and many other of her music videos.

In our music video we tried to follow the conventions of R&B down to the last frame. Another special effect we used that we have seen in some music video is a frosted edge, that gives the scene/shot look like its a flash back, which was the effect we wanted to achieve.

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